Season 2 | Episode 1: A Heroes Welcome

The Animals of Farthing Wood

Book adaptation/Environment, United Kingdom 2011

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The fact that humans are literally sawing at their own branches is one of the most important messages of this series project, the second season of which focuses on the animals coming together and sticking together against all odds. After being driven out of their cleared home, the Thalerwald forest, the animals have now arrived in the white-tailed deer park under the leadership of the cunning fox. But the nature reserve, which they have struggled to reach, is far from being a paradise. When an icy winter sets in and food becomes scarce, the animals are only allocated a small patch of the area dominated by two fox clans. And here, too, there is a threat of human encroachment when the park ranger falls ill and the animals are once again left to their own devices. The engaging children's series was a great success on television in the 1990s. Even today, "When the animals left the forest" invites all age groups to rediscover and discover, and of course to reflect and discuss. The hardships of the long journey were worth it. The animals from the Thalerwald have found their new home in the White Deer Park. But not all of the park's inhabitants welcome the new arrivals. The blue foxes and especially their leader, Scarface, see their territory violated.
25 min
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Colin Dann (Children's Book "The Animals of Farthing Wood")


Detlev Kühne

Original title:

The Animals of Farthing Wood

Original language:



16:9 SD, Color

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