Season 1 | Episode 1: My Elephant

Dying isn't really my Thing!

Everyday life/Drama, Canada 2017

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Jenny is 13 and happy with her life. Her dance group has just signed up for a big competition. But something is wrong with her. Jenny is getting more and more tired and can no longer keep up with the training. Finally, her father takes her to the hospital, where numerous examinations follow. The decisive examination takes place under anesthesia. The diagnosis is devastating. Jenny has leukemia. A Canadian youth series about the difficult subject of cancer or leukemia. But there is no fear of contact: the subject is dealt with gently and at the same time very casually. In short episodes, the life of the girl is sketched, the arrival at the hospital, the grief and pain, the hair falling out, the life that goes on outside without her. Jenny is 13 and happy with her life. Her dance group has just signed up for a big competition. But something is wrong with her. Jenny is getting more and more tired and can no longer keep up with the training. Finally, her father takes her to the hospital, where numerous examinations follow. The decisive examination takes place under anesthesia. The diagnosis is devastating. Jenny has leukemia.

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Emilie Bierre (Jenny)

William Coallier (Felix-Antoine)

Patrice Godin (Jenny's Father)

Tayna V. Lavoie (Florence)

Mélanie Pilon (Nathalie)

Original title:


Original language:


Further titles:

Jenny - Sterben ist nicht so mein Ding!


16:9 HD, Color

Age recommendation of the KJF:

Starting at 11 years

Age rating:


Audio language:
